Monday, July 26, 2010

Lamentations 3:22-25 (New International Version)

 22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
       for his compassions never fail.
 23 They are new every morning;
       great is your faithfulness.

This might be my new favorite verse.  I think that many people are like me, and fail at meeting up to their expectations of themselves daily.  I try very hard to not beat myself up anymore. (Even when I make the a pot roast that resembles shoe leather)
The good news to me is that whatever today may bring, be it a flared temper, harsh words, or lack of a quiet time, tomorrow is another day to start over fresh.
I hope this encourages you.  Put today away when you lay your head on your pillow tonight.  Pray for a new beginning tomorrow and wake up to the assurance of just that. 


Jen said...

I love that! that is one amazing verse, i don't believe i've ever read that! thanks for sharing! The design you did looks gorgeous as always. definitely one of my many favorites though!!

Ruby Clifton said...

A really heart touching verse! I think I'll display it in my living room.