As A Great Impression grows, I am not able to keep up with doing things alone anymore. Nor do I want to, so I would like to make an announcement.
Let me give you a little back up info on my story: Two years ago when I was a seamstress and embroidery crazy lady, I needed a vinyl cutter to help me put names on the backs of t shirts. I sought out a vinyl cutter and found what I was looking for.
Rachel and I had been friends about a year at this time. She worked for me a couple days a week. From the beginning, Rachel and I were two peas in a pod. We both enjoyed talking all things scrap-booking, sewing and creativity. Soon we began to discuss my ideas of making wall art and I began A Great Impression. Right beside me, Rachel began to learn design and became my protege. Rachel helped me design my website, some of the art items and my business plan. I was amazed by her ability to pick things up and I often benefited by her great research and technical help.
Two years later, God has moved both Rachel's family and my family out of the state we lived in. Rachel began her own business and I continued with mine. We finally realized that we missed doing things together. After prayer, and several weeks of consideration, we have decided to merge our two companies together. I am in Connecticut and Rachel is in Nebraska. (Thank God for free long distance!)
I would like to introduce you to my sweet friend Rachel Fain. She will be answering some of your emails, designing some of your products, and adding new pieces of artwork to our website daily. She is completely set up to fill our orders as well. I have already told Rachel that I have the nicest customers in the world, so she is looking forward to meeting you too.
Our hopes are to serve you more quickly and be better about communication with Rachel's help.
We are excited to watch grow.
With our work, God's help, and your orders, it will be fun to see the results.
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