Hi Everyone.
I hope you are all well. Even though I have the best intentions ever, I have the hardest time keeping up with this blog. Sorry about that.
Life has been busy as usual. I had the luxury of heading to New York City for a few days last week. My son is getting married in July and I am going to make the bride her dress. My future daughter in law is dream. I hope things will always flow as nicely between her and I as they do now. She is a believer in Christ, and a wonderful match to my son. I have to say, that her parents are just the dearest people ever, and a bonus in an already sweet package. The 6 of us had a ball in NYC. We even got to take in the live show of Mamma Mia. It was perfect for a wedding trip.
I might also add that while in NYC for 3 short days I shopped for all of the supplies to make 8 dance teams this season. It was a marathon trip for me as always. But I am truly in my element there. Each time I get a little bolder and more brave. If I were not a happily married suburban housewife from MI, I would pack up and move there to try and be discovered. Thank God I have already been discovered by those who are important.
For those of you keeping up with our story. My hubby has a job interview this coming Wednesday. Please keep us in your prayers. We need a job desperately. But this will be the life changing, moving across the country type of job. I promise to keep you updated, but if you happen to read this, please do say a prayer. I am nervous just writing about it.
God bless your busy little lives too!
Mary, I think your blog and web site are great. I also have a blog, but I am very inept at it. It's embarresing. I still don't know how to do it right. It's Shabbybluecottage.blogspot.com come and visit. I haven't done anything in a while since all my surgeries and the holidays and all. Happy New Year
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