Good Saturday Morning
Saturday is a day when I can do what I want and not feel bad for anything. I give myself the day off. I usually spend it cleaning up my house and then scrapbooking or gettting together with friends in the evenings.
It was a fairly quiet week at our house. My husband and I got orders filled and ordered alot of supplies for upcoming jobs. I am so thankful that the work keeps flowing for us in screen printing and embroidery. Very soon I will be starting dance costumes, and that takes on a life of it's own.
I had a funny thought I would share with you. Yesterday while praying for my husband to hear from one of the potential employers he has applied to, I was thinking about the Israelites and their manna. I realized that each day God sends manna to us in the form or more work for my business, but I keep wishing for a job for my husband. If only we could be content with what he does send our way.
Yet, the word also says to pray without ceasing. So....... which am I doing? That is my thought of the day.
I hope you are well and that you are content with whatever life you are living today.
God Bless!!
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